What Is findsingl.com and Why Do My Google Searches Redirect To It

Written By George Mylne  |  Cyber Security

If you are doing a search in your Google Chrome browser, and you keep getting redirected to findsingl.com, then you have installed a program that is causing this to happen.

Fortunately, there should be an easy fix for this. This error is happening because you have installed a program that is not a genuine copy of what you think it is. In my case, I installed a version of TechSmith’s Jing which caused the redirect error for me.

What is findsingl.com?

Findsingl.com is a fake search engine. It is used to promote potentially harmful products promoted by browser hijackers [source].

What Browsers Can Get Affected?

Most commonly is it the Google Chrome browser that is targeted, but it can also affect the Firefox and Edge browsers.

How to Identify and Remove Malware

To identify the affected program that is causing my browser to redirect me to the findsingl.com search engine, I opened up my control panel and went to uninstall a program. I sorted the programs by installed date and viewed the most recently installed programs.

What Is findsingl.com and Why Do My Google Searches Redirect To It 1
Sort by newest to oldest – 1

The program that is causing the issue will likely be a recently installed program. Review the Publisher of the recently installed programs, if there is something there that stands out as unusual, then uninstall it. Things that are unusual are a publisher that you don’t recognise, or if there is no publisher information available.

Reset the computer and see if the same issue of your Google searches in Chrome being redirected to the website findsingl.com is happening. If the error is fixed then you can stop there, if it persists then re-review your recently installed programs and remove the next suspected/suspicious program.

About the Author

George is the creator of GeekPossible.com. This site was built on questions he has had to find an answer to. We hope you find it useful to you too.
