Microsoft Calculator Keyboard Shortcuts

Written By George Mylne  |  Windows, Microsoft

The Microsoft calculator has many keyboard shortcuts, if you only master the two or three most used functions it will turn you into a calculator ninja!

All of the below shortcuts will work in the new calculator available with Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Keyboard ShortcutResult
Alt + 1Switch to Standard mode
Alt + 2Switch to Scientific mode
Alt + 3Switch to Graphing mode
Alt + 4Switch to Programmer mode
Alt + 5Switch to Date Calculation mode
Ctrl + MStore in memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
Ctrl + PAdd to memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
Ctrl + QSubtract from memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
Ctrl + RRecall from memory, in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
Ctrl + LClear memory
DeleteClear current input (select CE)
EscFully clear input (select C)
TabNavigate to the next UI item and give it focus
SpacebarSelects UI item that has focus
EnterSelects = in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
F9Select +/- in Standard mode, Scientific mode, and Programmer mode
RSelect 1/x in Standard mode and Scientific mode
@Select 2√x in Standard mode and Scientific mode
%Select in Standard mode and Programmer mode
Ctrl + HWhen history button is visible, selects the history button in Standard mode and Scientific mode
Up arrowMove up in history list, memory list, and menu items
Down arrowMove down in history list, memory list, and menu items
Ctrl + Shift + DClear history
F3Select DEG in Scientific mode
F4Select RAD in Scientific mode
F5Select GRAD in Scientific mode
GSelect 2xin Scientific mode
Ctrl + GSelect 10xin Scientific mode
SSelect 10xin in Scientific mode
Shift + SSelect sin-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + SSelect sinh in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + SSelect sinh-1 in Scientific mode
TSelect tan in Scientific mode
Shift + TSelect tan-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + TSelect tanh in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + TSelect tanh-1 in Scientific mode
OSelect cos in Scientific mode
Shift + OSelect cos-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + OSelect cosh in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + OSelect cosh-1 in Scientific mode
USelect sec in Scientific mode
Shift + USelect sec-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + USelect sech in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + USelect sech-1 in Scientific mode
ISelect csc in Scientific mode
Shift + ISelect csc-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + ISelect csch in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + ISelect csch-1 in Scientific mode
JSelect cot in Scientific mode
Shift + JSelect cot-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + JSelect coth in Scientific mode
Ctrl + Shift + JSelect coth-1 in Scientific mode
Ctrl + YSelecty√x in Scientific mode
Shift + \Select |x| in Scientific mode
[Select ⌊x⌋in Scientific mode
]Select ⌈x⌉ in Scientific mode
LSelect log in Scientific mode
Shift + LSelect logyin Scientific mode
MSelect dms in Scientific mode
NSelect ln in Scientific mode
Ctrl + NSelect ex in Scientific mode
PSelect Pi in Scientific mode
QSelect x2 in Standard mode and Scientific mode
VToggles on/off F-E buttonin Scientific mode
XSelect exp in Scientific mode
Y, ^Select xy in Scientific mode
#Select x3 in Scientific mode
!Select nin Scientific mode
%Select mod in Scientific mode
Ctrl ++ on numpadGraph zooms in while in Graphing mode
Ctrl +- on numpadGraph zooms out while in Graphing mode
F2Select DWORD in Programmer mode
F3Select WORD in Programmer mode
F4Select BYTE in Programmer mode
F5Select HEX in Programmer mode
F6Select DEC in Programmer mode
F7Select OCT in Programmer mode
F8Select BIN in Programmer mode
F12Select QWORD in Programmer mode
A-FSelect letters A-Fin Programmer mode while HEX is select
Shift + ,Select RoL in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to either “Circular” shift
Shift + .Select RoR in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to either “Circular” shift
Shift + ,Select Lsh in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to “Arithmetic” or “Logical” shift
Shift + .Select Rsh in Programmer mode when Bit Shift is set to “Arithmetic” or “Logical” shift
%Select % in Programmer mode
|Select OR in Programmer mode
^Select XOR in Programmer mode
\Select NOR in Programmer mode
~Select NOT in Programmer mode
&Select AND in Programmer mode
.Select NAND in Programmer mode
Microsoft calculator keyboard shortcuts

About the Author

George is the creator of This site was built on questions he has had to find an answer to. We hope you find it useful to you too.
