Question and Answer Websites for Blogger Research

Written By George Mylne  |  Blogging

If you are trying to find low competition keywords and queries for your niche, a good place to look for ideas is the numerous Q&A websites.

Each of these websites (listed below) has hundreds of thousands of pages answering long-tail search engine queries.

Why Target Keywords and Questions that Any of These Sites Rank For?

While all of the sites I’m about to list are large and authoritative with more backlinks than you could dream of, the one thing that none of them can do is be seen as an authority in any one niche. This is where you can come in and scoop some traffic away from them with your niched down website.

When doing keyword research, if you see any of these sites ranking on the first page for a question or keyword that is related to your niche, then that is a good sign that it is a low competition keyword and that it might be worthwhile adding to your keyword list.

Also, the content on the below sites in Google’s eyes is low-quality content. Forum sites are usually able to be outranked by an authoritative/niche specific site, and the other question and answer sites content can be prepared by low-quality writers or AI.


Moz domain authority: 93

Referring domains: Over 382k

Quora is probably the largest and most authoritative question and answer website in existence at the moment.

Quora is a forum, and all of its content is generated by people asking questions, and then other people answering those questions.

They even have a partner program which means that people who ask questions on the platform, and when that question starts to generate search traffic, they have the opportunity to earn from that search traffic (for the first 12 months I believe).

Stack Exchange

Moz domain authority: 91

Referring domains: Over 25k

Stack exchange is another forum website that is made up of user-generated questions and answers.

It doesn’t offer a similar program like Quora where the people asking questions can potentially earn money. Some people have commented on this as a good thing as it doesn’t encourage spam questions from people who aren’t interested in the answers.

The main Stack Exchange site is for programmers and coders. They have expanded their site to have over 150 subdomains that have topics not related to the main site such as:

Full list of all of the Stack Exchange subdomain sites.

Find a subdomain related to your niche and it might give you some ideas on the sort of keywords you could target.

Art Radar Journal

Moz domain authority: 51

Referring domains: Over 4k

Art Radar Journal is pitched as an art-related website, bringing contemporary art to the world.

I stumbled onto this site as they had some DIY/home improvement blogs on their site, which I guess is loosely related to painting/art.

Find Any Answer

Moz domain authority: 40

Referring domains: Over 15k

To try and find keywords and questions related to your niche, visit the homepage of Find Any Answer and:

  1. Search for your keyword in the search bar.
  2. Click in the menu for popular posts, or
  3. Click in the menu for trending posts.

This site have over 440k pages or posts indexed on Google. They answer any and all questions. They will have posts related to your niche without a doubt and might have some good topics for you to cover.


Moz domain authority: 1

Referring domains: n/a

This website unfortunately doesn’t have a search bar for you to browse the site for niche-specific posts.

On the homepage you can view:

  • Recently added answers,
  • Popular answers, and
  • Categories (which are broken down into question words like Are, Can, Could, etc).

To search this site for a keyword you can instead go to Google and in the search bar type:

site: keyword

Replace keyword with a word related to your niche as below.

Question and Answer Websites for Blogger Research 1
Advanced Google search technique to find keywords on a site.

Asking Lot

Moz domain authority: 76

Referring domains: Over 31k

Asking Lot allows you to search for keywords from their homepage, or to see which posts are trending or popular.

Like the other sites, Asking Lot asks and answers anything and everything and is full of good ideas and keywords to go after.

Cement Answers

Moz domain authority: 76

Referring domains: Over 1k

Google says that there are over 300k pages and posts on this website.

Cement Answers breaks down its site into niches in its menu structure. If your niche isn’t covered here you can try the above Google search technique “site:” to search for your keywords on its site. Unfortunately, this site doesn’t have a search bar.

The Pickled Spruit

Moz domain authority: 11

Referring domains: 565

Google says that there are over 26k pages and posts on this website.

You can assume that with its domain name and menu structure that this site started out as a cooking website. However it covers some very odd topics that are unrelated to cooking. If you can find what non-cooking related keywords it is ranking for that are niche related for you, these might be easy keywords for you to go after.

Final Thoughts

This isn’t an exhaustive list of these type of question and answer website, these are the ones that I’m aware of. If you know any other ones, please share them with me so I can feature them in this post.

I hope that this post has given you some ideas on where you can search for new keywords and questions.

About the Author

George is the creator of This site was built on questions he has had to find an answer to. We hope you find it useful to you too.
